the house ENSEMBLE
a choral ensemble of young women aged 14-30

The House Ensemble of young women aged 14-30 rehearse regularly to develop vocal and physical performance skills. The vocal training, developed by House AD Danielle O'Keefe, appreciates and develops each singers' natural timbre thereby avoiding the trap of trying to sound like someone else.
The Ensemble work with Danielle O'Keefe to create incredible choral works of immersive theatre. The young women in the Ensemble are involved devising many of these works, and as such the work reflects the young participants interests and lived experience.
The Ensemble has toured internationally and worked with major artists and companies including the Sydney Chamber Orchestra, Felicity Wilcox, Rose Riebl, and Angelica Mesiti.
In addition to major works The Ensemble regularly perform at events at the State Library of NSW, Sydney Opera House, and Christmas Carol events around the city of Sydney.
Auditions for The House Ensemble are open once a year.
Current ensemble members
Scarlett Gibson-Williams, Soren Goulding, Leila Harris, Kittu Hoyne, Amelie James-Power, Deborah Kam, Bedelia Lowrencev, Sylvie Maree, Freya Moore, Jayden Selvakumaraswamy, Tallulah Simpson
past ensemble members
Madison Ayton, Elektra Blinder, Grace Campbell, Kiri Jenssen, Clara Lee, Emily Pincock, Harper Pollard, Mikaela Rundle, and Iris Simpson.
Danielle O'Keefe
tender Young Creatures
2016 District 01 Gallery
2017 Carriageworks
2018 Bondi Youth Week Festival
2018 Blake Prize, CPAC
2018 Parramatta Laneways Festival
2020 Tours planned and cancelled due to Covid 19
the howling girls
with Sydney Chamber Orchestra
2018 Carriageworks
2019 Tokyo Festival
with Angelica Mesiti
2019 Venice Bienale (video work)
composed by Sally Whitwell
2021 Pitt St Uniting Church
2021 National Art School, Sydney
2022 State Library of NSW
composed by Rose Riebl
soloists from The Ensemble
2023 The Joan, Penrith
2023 Phoenix Artspace
SALT 360
filmed over 2020-2022
released 2024
100 Women 100 stories
soloists from The Ensemble
2023 Sydney Town Hall
Development of a new work by Felicity Wilcox. Since 2022

The House Ensemble is assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body.

The House Ensemble is supported by the NSW Government through CreateNSW.